Engel: Living the Swamp Dweller’s Dream
Eliot Lance Engel is the U.S. Representative for New York’s 16th congressional district. He is a member of the Democratic Party. His district contains parts of the Bronx and Westchester County. He has been in Congress since 1989. Because of his 30-year incumbency he doesn’t worry much about reelection as incumbent reelection rate is around 95%. Prior to being elected to Congress he was a Liberal Party member of the New York State Assembly from 1977. A professional politician for over 40 years.
His seniority got him appointed chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee and he’s been primarily focused on using his new power to dig into President Trump’s connections abroad and whether his business interests might be influencing the administration’s policies. Like the other new Democrat chairs appointed upon their party achieving the majority this year, he’s going after the duly elected president instead of fulfilling his duties as chairman of an important committee. Note that he might be on the same page with Trump on Iran as in 2015 he said he was not happy with the Iran nuclear deal. And he supported recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

He’s been a member of many groups over the years and was a Founding Member of the Congressional “Medicare for All” Caucus. Others, include the Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus and the Climate Solutions Caucus whose mission is, “to educate members on economically-viable options to reduce climate risk and to explore bipartisan policy options that address the impacts, causes, and challenges of our changing climate.”
Engel has authored numerous amendments to appropriations bills that require all new federal vehicles to be alternative fuel vehicles and cosponsored bills that would bring an end to new fossil fuel projects and move our electricity and most transportation systems to 100% renewable energy. The cost would destroy our economy based on highly suspect climate projections none of which has been correct in nearly 100 years. Climate fluctuates beyond the control of humans.
This is Engel as analyzed by his voting record: click on the link to each rating organization to view the actual votes that tells how he thinks about governing.
Heritage Action is the policy advocacy affiliate of the conservative Heritage Foundation, the opposite of the socialistic policies Engel votes for and earns him a zero rating for the 116th Congress and a mere 9% lifetime. No free market prosperity for Eliot.
Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) gives him 85%-95% as a measure of political liberalism for 2015-2017 most recent years published.
Citizens Against Government Waste awards him the low score of 2 as “Hostile to Taxpayers.” That’s how we get to a national debt of $22 trillion and growing
National Taxpayers Union (NTU) scores him at 11% with an “F” grade as a “Big Spender.” Professional pols have no trouble spending other peoples’ money –including future generations that they are putting in deep debt.
The Club for Growth rates on votes that affect economic growth such as lower taxes, balanced budgets, free trade, term limits, school choice and other factors affecting freedom and prosperity. The Club gives Engel a lifetime 7%.
Pro-abortion in extremis, he refers to himself as pro-choice “all the way.” Rated 100% by NARAL. Voted NO on making it a crime to harm a fetus during another crime; on banning federal health coverage that includes abortion; on restricting interstate transport of minors to get abortions; on banning partial-birth abortion except to save mother’s life; on funding for health providers who don’t provide abortion; on banning partial-birth abortions. He is against any limitations on abortion.
Rated F, the lowest grade by the NRA indicating his anti-Second Amendment pro-gun control voting record. He favors allowing lawsuits on gun manufacturers and sellers for gun misuse. Would he allow lawsuits on knife makers ifsomeone misuses a knife to commit a crime? Automakers?Where does it stop? He wants much more strict regulation on gun shows and on virtually any citizen’s ownership and use of a firearm
The damage that career politicians wreak on our Republic can only be mitigated by new blood in Congress. Or, as our Founders called it “rotation in office.” Today, that means term limits. There’s a lot of qualified and willing prospective candidates out there but given the advantages of incumbency –95% of incumbents are reelected—including name recognition and funds. They have lobbyists who provide whatever cash is needed making it too expensive for a challenger given the odds of being elected.
If the swamp is to be drained, we the people must pass an amendment to the U. S. Constitution setting term limits which can be done under Article V and it is being pursued by U.S. Term Limits. Check it out to see how you can help.