Adam Schiff: Biggest Liar
[Last Updated on June 26, 2023 by Geo]
Rep. Adam Schiff’s lies have finally caught up with him. On June 21, 2023, the veteran politician was officially censured by the U.S. House of Representatives.
This saga began decades ago. Adam Bennett Schiff served one term in the California State legislature and is now in his 12th term in the U.S. Congress currently representing California’s 30th congressional district. He was the Ranking Member of the House Intelligence Committee until the Republicans gained control of the House in the 2022 election. He took a lead role trying to defend the Democrats purchase and use of the dirty Steele Dossier and its use by Hillary campaign to slander her opponent Donald Trump and his campaign staff before the FISA Court.

An amusing side issue is Schiff’s attempt to get nude pictures of President Trump to embarrass and discredit him –exactly what the Hillary campaign was doing with the fake salacious Steele Dossier. So, Schiff gets a call that he thinks is from Andriy Parubiy, the chairman of the Ukrainian Parliament claiming to have compromising information on President Donald Trump, including pictures and recordings. Except it was a prank phone call from two Russian comedians known as Vadum and Lexus claiming to have recordings that would reveal Russian President Vladimir Putin was blackmailing Trump with photographs of him and a model named Olga Buzova in a compromising position. Listen to the conversation here.
Trey Gowdy, the Republican Chairman of the House Oversight Committee and a member of the Intelligence Committee has called out Rep. Schiff for his many misrepresentations and outright lies – a quick Google search documents his history of being untruthful.
adam schiff lies Trump Eviscerates Adam Schiff Over Lies and Leaks
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We could fill several pages with links to Rep. Schiff’s lies. They’re well established for years.
By His Votes, Ye Shall Know Him…
Rep. Schiff is, indeed, one of the “worst of a bad lot.” Term limit proponents call our poster boy absolute proof of the necessity to term limit the U.S. Congress before they bring the nation to the point of no return.
OK, if Schiff were to have been term-limited out of congress, no doubt he’d still be lying in public on the Democrat media. But he wouldn’t be continuing to vote like he does. By clicking on the links, you can find the bills he voted for and against –and by his votes ye shall know him.
The non-partisan National Taxpayers Union shows how he has voted to grow the national debt and unfunded liabilities that will strap our children and grandchildren and limit their freedom to succeed and prosper. NTU grades Schiff with a failing F and places him in Big Spender category.
Another reliable rating service, The Council for Citizens Against Government Waste, is nonpartisan, nonprofit and dedicated to eliminating waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement in government. CCAGW rates members on a 0-100 percent scale. It rates Schiff 7% and the designation Hostile to Taxpayers.
The Club for Growth rates votes affecting the economy. It rewards free-market champions and exposes big-government, tax-and-spend politicians. Schiff gets a lifetime score of 8% indicating that he votes 92% of the time to raise taxes, stimulate inflation, increase harmful regulations, and grow our already massive government.
As expected, the Conservative Review scores him at a lowly 8% and the conservative Heritage Action at 9%. As you’d expect the liberal Americans for Democratic Action calls Schiff their ADA Hero with 100%.
The Lie that Sunk Schiff
Rep. Schiff repeatedly claimed that he had seen classified proof that Trump had colluded with Russia to swing the 2021 presidential election. After a four-year investigation which cost about $32 million, the report by special counsel John Durham Report made it clear that there wasn’t any such evidence.
A motion to censure Schiff, the former chairman of the House Intelligence Committee who led the first House Democrat impeachment of former President Donald Trump, was brought forward by Rep. Anna Paulina Luna, R-Fla. Rep. Luna filed a privileged resolution to censure, condemn and fine Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) $16 million dollars (half the cost of the Russia investigation) for his egregious abuse of the trust of the American people.
The censure passed on party lines. Sadly, every Democrat voted against it thereby telling the world that loyalty to a party’s false narrative is more important than the truth.
Luna’s resolution sought to censure Schiff “for conduct that misleads the American people in a way that is not befitting of an elected Member of the House of Representatives.” Her motion would have Schiff expelled from Congress. It also sought an Ethics Committee investigation into Schiff’s “lies, misrepresentations, and abuses of sensitive information,” The Hill reported.
“He used his position on House Intelligence to push a lie that cost American taxpayers millions of dollars and abused the trust placed in him as Chairman,” Luna said.
Schiff is now running for the U.S. Senate in California currently held by Diane Feinstein.
Thus guy lied to America for a year about evidence of Trump colluding with Russia. If we had a Democratic party with an once of dignity, they’d have kicked him out.
….course, an infamous IG report years ago confirmed that the entire basis of Schiff’s claims regarding Trump and Russia collusion was a lie, including and especially the discredited Steele Dossier. The Federalist: On Friday, Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee approved two articles of impeachment against President Trump: abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. The committee vote sends the question to the full House, with a vote expected later this week.That fast timeline won’t allow for much consideration of the question, however, forcing folks to rely on House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff’s 300-page report detailing his committee’s “impeachment… Read more »